Part of being a person is helping others.

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In Association with Tadipathri Muncipality


No one has ever become poor by giving


We only have what we give

-Sparsha is committed to making sure everyone has access to the best healthcare facilities and face no discrimination in receiving treatment.

-From time to time, medical equipment like digital X-Ray machines or testing equipment are donated to the government hospitals. To ensure smooth and easy access to hospital, Sparsha also lays bitumen roads connecting hospitals to all main roads around it.

-Hygiene and good health go hand-in-hand. Sparsha carries out year-round activities to eradicate water-borne diseases and has successfully managed to make Tadipatri a malaria-free zone.

Ongoing activities:

-Hospital building reconstructions and building/ward extension, including equipment and beds

-Restorations, maintenance/repair works

-Providing additional beds, lights and medical equipment

-Conducting health camps

Some of the successful programs in the past:

Ban of plastic and polyethene in Tadipatri and successfully making it a plastic-free zone since year

Toilet + Water UGD connection for every single house in X villages, managed completely online through the Swachh Andhra Corporation Aadhar Link

Turning the Anantapur district into a Malaria-free zone since year

Provision of x number of tree guards and watering of trees planted on the roads in Tadipatri

Provision of food, shelter and medical facilities to 60 homeless people, every day, in Tadipatri

Reconstruction of the government hospital in,including 100 additional beds,LED lights in the maternity ward,and other amenities on par with a private.

Rain water harvesting and plantation of 2 trees in every house

Financial aid to pursue engineering and MBA at the Government Colleges, for x number of students with high scores

Turning the Anantapur district into a Malaria-free zone since year. Closing of open water storages across Anantapur

Construction of 4500 toilets in Tadipatri mandal, Yadagi mandal and Paddapappur mandal, as a part of the Swachh Andhra program

Mid-day meals with a unique menu to 7000 students in 28 Tadipatri municipality schools and degree colleges, every day, since 2007(award winning initiative)

Provision of night shelters in X locations in Tadipatri, under the Pedarika Nirmulana Samstha (NIRMA), in partnership with the Tadipatri municipality


Tadipatri Muncipality

Anantapur District

Andhra Pradesh

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